
Here we will keep you updated with the latest news from Electrolux and our local brands. Find out the latest product launches, events, service offerings and campaigns dedicated to you as a trade partner.

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PerfectCare Launch

With ColourCare, tests show colours stay true with no fading at 30degrees, wash after wash. Electrolux further enhance wardrobe care!

Explore our Laundry Range

ComfortLift Dishwasher

As the chosen supplier to almost 50% of Michelin-starred restaurants in Europe, Electrolux has a unique insight in to the requirements of the some of the most demanding kitchens in the world and is uniquely positioned to translate world class-leading professional ranges into superior domestic products. With this knowledge, Electrolux further enhance their support for domestic kitchen users by introducing the ComfortLift dishwasher.

Explore our Dish care range

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